Summer Reading sounds like absolute heaven.  If I could actually pick up a book and finish it.  This summer my goal is to dive into reading as much as possible with DCPL's Summer Reading Program.

The Daviess County Public Library will be hosting the Explore & Connect Summer Reading Program.  The program started this week and will go until the end of July.  This gives participants an opportunity to work towards chipping away at the books they have on their list.  If you're like me you probably have tons of books you want to read and just never have the chance.

Here's how the program works.  All ages are welcome to participate and all you have to do is log in to their existing DCPL account or create a new one by visiting the OFFICIAL WEBSITE.  Or, if you choose, you can download the Beanstack Tracker app on your mobile device.

Participants can record their minutes via the Beanstack app on an official log sheet.

What is even more awesome are the prizes you can earn for reading.  Prizes are awarded to all participants who complete at least 10 hours of reading.  And, for each hour spent reading, a Summer Reading Program participant's name will be entered into a Grand Prize drawing.

You are also encouraged to join a library activity or event and log your time for that as well.  These activities also earn you entries for prizes.

The age categories are as follows: Children 0 to 5, Children 6 to 8, Children 9 to 12, Teens and, finally, Adults).

I am super pumped I just registered our family.  Hopefully, we can be totally intentional about getting to the library each week and checking out books.

What are your favorite types of books to read?  I love fictional humor and of course I love any biblical inspirational book I can find.


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