The price of school breakfast and lunch is going up in the next school year.  That announcement by the Daviess County Public Schools.  Here's the new list of prices and the reason for the increase.

Daily Life At A Secondary School
Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

The new prices are:

                                           Regular         Reduced     Regular        Reduced

                                           Breakfast     Breakfast     Lunch           Lunch


Elementary                       $1.50             30 cents        $2.25             40 cents

Middle School                  $1.50             30 cents        $2.50             40 cents

High School                      $1.50            30 cents        $2.50             40 cents

Adults                                $2.50                 –               $3.50                 –


The new prices at DCPS will take effect in August 2018. The prices represent an increase of 25 cents for student meals.  However, it's important to note that there is no increase for students whose families qualify for free or reduced-price meals.

There will be an increase though for the cost of adult meals.  Adults will see an increase of 75 cents for breakfast and 50 cents for lunch.

The current prices have been in place since 2012.  According to DCPS officials, "During those past six years, the district has seen a steady increase in student breakfast/lunch participation, which has generated enough funds to prevent a price increase to date. However, increases in food costs and federally mandated increases in employee benefits have caused expenses to rise."

Of course, families in need are encouraged to apply for free or reduced-price meals and can do so by visiting the front office of your child's school or through your school's Family Resource or Youth Service Center Coordinator.  All applications and info are kept private.  You can also apply online by CLICKING HERE!


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