Daviess County Residents Launch Sign Campaign to Oppose Outer Loop
Daviess County residents have used a loop, Highway 60, for years traveling around Owensboro, but a new proposal is being discussed to study whether another outer loop going around the city in the future is needed.
The new outer loop could go from near Ben Hawes State Park to the Maceo area. As surveys and studies are just now getting underway, residents opposed to another outer loop are launching a sign campaign to make sure their voices are heard.
"Stop the Outer Loop: Families & Farms. Not Freeways." signs are available at Gordon's True Value off Highway 54 and at Reid's off Highway 81 while supplies last. There are two maps currently online that show possible routes and areas that would be affected. One is a feasibility study and survey from the Daviess County Fiscal Court. There is also a map showing potential roadway connections from GRADD.
This map shows properties that would be affected by a new outer loop. Friday, July 2nd, is the last day to fill out the survey, feasibility study from GRADD.