Did You Know There’s a City in Kentucky That Celebrates Honey Bun Day?
London, Kentucky is gearing up for a sweet celebration. October 8th is Honey Bun Day and will celebrate the city's rich (pun intended) history.
It was 1953 that the Griffin Pie Company was founded in London, which sits in Laurel County, Kentucky. Flowers Bakery took control back in 1983 and, for the last forty years, they've been churning out honey buns, donuts and more. Here's a fun and delicious fact for you. That bakery in London is capable of producing 1.3 billion honey buns a year. And, yes! That's "billions" with a "B"!
Here's some history about Flowers Bakery and it's impact for the community and all of us honey bun and donut fans around the country (and world). Flowers was recently named Large Business of the Year by the London-Laurel County Chamber of Commerce.
On Saturday, October 8th, the City of London is going to celebrate that delicious heritage with Honey Bun Day. Naturally, the event has its very own website! It's HoneyBunDay.com.
Here's the official Facebook announcement about the event.
One of the marquee events will be London's attempt to set a unique world record. They're trying to set the Guinness World Record for the most people eating honey buns at the same time. It's called the Taste the Buns Honey Bun Food Challenge! I'll be honest. If I lived closer, I'd be there shoveling Mrs. Freshley's into my face.
All Honey Bun Day events will take place at the London-Laurel County Farmer's Market.