I love top 10's that basically expose everyone as a whole rather than just shine the light on one single person.  But today's top 10 is basically as reads.  We all do things in our head that we think other people would consider strange, but they do the same thing.

Now Tiger Woods has no business on this post, nor does he have anything to do with it.  But he is just a person who more than likely performs a good deal of the things listed below, just like everyone else.


1.  Practicing conversations in your head in before they happen.

2.  Being a hypocritical driver.  "It's okay if I stop all the way at a stop sign but if you do, you're gonna hear the horn."

3.  Picking your nose.

4.  Winning arguments in your head long after the argument ended.

5.  Caring way too much about what other people think.

6.  Getting into debates and arguments when you really don't have much knowledge on the subject.

7.  Admiring the size and volume of what you just left in the toilet.

8.  Picturing an entire relationship in your head when you first start dating someone.

9.  Occasionally having a racist thought, even though you KNOW you're not racist.

10.  Using the bathroom at home and not washing your hands. (using the bathroom anywhere and not washing your hands)

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