H.L. Neblett Community Center Annual Banquet This Friday
The 2012 H. L. Neblett Community Center Banquet will be held this Friday night at the Owensboro Country Club.
Keynote speaker for this year's banquet is former Kentucky Wesleyan and Harlem Globetrotter basketball stand-out Dallas "Big D" Thornton. The Louisville native was part of two Division II National Championships at KWC in 1966 and in 1968. Thornton was drafted by the ABA's Baltimore Bullets but went on to play for the Miami Floridians for two seasons. Thornton then joined the Harlem Globetrotters and he even appeared in the film The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan's Island. Just last year, the former All-American was inducted into the Kentucky Black Sports Hall of Fame. Legendary Owensboro sports announcer Joel Utley will introduce Thornton.
H. L. Neblett Community Center Executive Director Gregory Black will discuss the Neblett Center's 2011 annual report and he will discuss the expanding roles of the center in 2012. The Board of Directors President for 2012 will be announced and music will be provided by "B Rich and All That Jazz". The banquet will begin at 5:30pm and last until 9:00pm.
Reserved seating is available by calling (270) 685-3197.
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