Mikey J:

When I was accepted into the University of Evansville in 2009, I was excited to see what this city had to offer. I'm from Indianapolis so I'm used to a certain way of life; I'm a city boy to say the least. For the first three years, I was essentially stuck on campus. I had no idea what was going on in the city. I hear this a lot from students. Once I graduated and starting working with Dishcrawl as a community manager, I met a lot of great people in our city, Gretchin Irons especially. She had a vision. I could see this.

I followed the show and even shot a few episodes. But I lost touch after awhile. Then one day I thought of an awesome idea for an intro to the show. So I met with Gretchin and said, "Let me produce one show for you and I'll show you what it could look like."

The whole show took a turn. New format, new time, new faces. I have been making Youtube videos for a long time. Now as the Executive Producer of The Best Day Ever I get to do what I love and show people what this city has to offer. Something I wish I had five years ago when young Mikey J stepped on the scene.

Check out this episode and get to know me! I'm a bit of a handful but someone has to keep Gretchin's crazy antics in check!


I met Mikey while filming an episode, when The Best Day Ever was brand new. I could see that he liked the concept, and he definitely inspired me to do everything better.

Then, one day, he was gone. He had to have a "real job." I pressed on, made more episodes, but the show wasn't what I had envisioned.

The day that Mikey called me and said, "Hey, can we try this again?" was the day that everything changed. The Best Day Ever is now what it was always supposed to be: Fun, Funky, and all about "The Epic-osity that is Evansville." Mikey definitely adds to the hilarity, and character of what we do. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube (and Bookmark our Community Calendar) and YOU can have The Best Day Ever every day in Evansville!

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