Yesterday, the local rescue It Takes a Village Canine Rescue posted about a dog that they saved. The dog was scheduled to be put down because of his condition.

It Takes a Village
It Takes a Village

Update: He has been named Kennedy after Dr. Kennedy.

Original Story: We just received an urgent text that this guy would be euthanized if we could not help. How could we say no? He is on his way to us now and will need immediate vet care. 

The dog has obviously been through some horrific things but the rescue didn't know what his injuries were attributed to. Today, ITAVCR posted about the dog's injuries.

It Takes a Village
It Takes a Village

UPDATE on the little guy we posted yesterday that was in bad shape. 
It’s pretty bad.  His humerus bone is completely gone from infection that has been there awhile. We do not know the outcome or if he will make it, but Dr. Kennedy is going to do his best. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers today as he is in surgery now.

It Takes a Village
It Takes a Village

Completely heartbreaking. They have asked the community to help come up with a name. Some of the suggestions have a deep meaning behind them.

Hallie Francis Clover he’s needs a lucky name to win his battle!

Rachel Atchison Chance! without you he would not have a fighting chance!

Jade Li Sir Jamie. In honor of the one handed knight on GoT who is looking for redemption

Lyndsey Nicole Herr Khalon. It means strong warrior

Becky Simpson Sparky - he’s got spirit. Thank you for helping him and please update us!

And my personal favorite...

Carrie Lammers Praying for this sweet dog. Marvel, a synonym for miracle.

Donate to this unnamed pup's recovery and help name him right here:

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