Check Out These Photos of the Best Halloween Costumes of 2023 in Kentucky and Indiana
Despite the freezing cold weather, Halloween this year was an absolute blast. It was fun to see every dressed up and using their creativity to celebrate spooky season. My family and I LOVE to dress up together and take Rollins trick or treating and visit friends.
Other than the first two years of his life, Rollins has chosen our theme based on whatever he was into at the time. Before I dive into the epic list of The Best Halloween Costumes of 2023, here are some of my favorites we've done. Home Alone, The Beastie Boys, Where the Wild Things Are, All That, and The Princess Bride. That was definitely the funniest one since I was Inigo Montoya's character.
As much as I love putting creative costumes together, one of my favorite things about Halloween is seeing what everyone else dresses up as. SO MANY clever ideas this year! As well as funny, scary, and everything in between. Here are some of the best ones I have seen this year.

Baby Ruth, Literally
This is Ruth. She spent her first Halloween in the NICU, but her parents, Madison and James Wells came up with the perfect costume. Not only is she the sweetest, she is strong and thriving! That is the best treat anyone could ask for. You go, precious girl!
"We're not worthy!"
Dr. Elizabeth Martin and local jewelry maker Jackie Smith rocked out this dynamic duo from Wayne's World!
"I'll never let go, Jack!"
Christina Lee (the iceberg) made that Titanic ship herself for her son, Captain Finn. The second steam stack is even a candy chute! Very impressive. Finn is totally fascinated with the Titanic story and learning all about it. Finn's dad, Dave Howard really took one for the team here with his portrayal of the character Rose from The Titanic movie. Complete with her Heart of the Ocean necklace. Epic.
We're All Mad Here
Lily Richardson won the Deer Valley costume contest as Alice from Wonderland. Kayla and Jeremy Crowe were her funky Mad Hatter and White Rabbit. I love how they used fun colors and patterns! I don't think they planned to match the balloons so well, but what a beautiful picture.
I love her attention to detail. She even had a tiny "Drink Me" bottle!
"Yer a Wizard, Nessie!"
This sweet baby was a perfect Hairy Pawter
Temu Addams Family
I've seen a lot of FABULOUS Wednesday Addams costumes this year. Well, Heather and Will Terry decided to change things up a bit. So meet "Monday Addams" and "The Thang." They are what you might receive if you ordered Wednesday or The Thing from Temu. So hilarious!
"All eyes on me in the center of the ring, just like a circus"
These ladies and tiny gentleman slayed this circus theme! We have Mercedez Varble as Bearded Lady, Amber Payne as Fortune Teller, Brooke Matheny as Ringleader/Lion Tamer, Leo Morris as the tamest little Lion, and Ashley Glenn as Trapeze Artist.
“People are scared of things that are different."
Bodie Moore is an incredible costume designer. I think his Edward Scissorhands costume speaks for itself. He is a student at Northern Kentucky University in their theatre program.
"It’s just a bunch of hocus-pocus!"
Haley Miller shared this picture with me of her amazing family's costume. She said it is a tradition for them to all get together and dress up and I am here for it! They KILLED it. Noel and Andrew Kilby portrayed the two goofy bullies, Jay and Ice. Their two girls Hattie and Ingrid Kilby were Sarah and Mary. Haley and JB Miller were Max and Alison and their two kiddos, Ava and Beckett Miller went as Winifred and Billy Butcherson.
I mean, just LOOK at these two! That is crazy good!
These costumes will make your heart grow three sizes
Tatum Helm went as Martha May Whovier and her precious baby girl Basil was the cutest little Grinchette. They look beautiful!
Freaky Friday With the Welsh Gals
These next two need NO introduction! The fabulous Angel and her mini-me, Charlotte except they have switched places! Charlotte wanted to dress up as her mama this Halloween, how sweet is that? BUT! She insisted that Angel also dress up as her later that night for trick or treating. I think they nailed it! Every time I see Angel cheesing it up with that big ole bow it makes me crack up. Great idea!
"Spice up your life!"
Is there anything better than a good pun-inspired costume? The ladies of Daviess County Public Schools' Office of Teaching and Learning got together to be the "Spice Girls." How clever!
"A Clue! Littlewood detectives will solve the case!"
Was Emmy Woosley's caption for the classic costumes she and her gorgeous gal Love wore to hand out candy on Halloween night. Absolutely adorable, my dear Watson!
“After all, one can't leave his shadow lying about and not miss it sooner or later, don't you agree?"
The Murry family always comes through with creative costumes. Especially when they visit Disney for Halloween. This year, Easton went as Peter Pan and his mama Amanda was his shadow! So funny!
She joked that she is used to lying on the ground for her costumes. Last year, the kiddos went as Aladdin and Jasmine while Amanda was their magic carpet. This picture made me laugh out loud. The things a mother will do for her children.
It's her world, we're just living in it
Last but certainly not least is supermodel Blaire "BB" Walker as Queen Cleopatra. Straight-up royalty realness. I mean, that look! She sold the heck out of her gorgeous costume.
LOOK: How Halloween has changed in the past 100 years
Gallery Credit: Brit McGinnis