Google Searches for “Eyes Hurt” Spike Following the Solar Eclipse
Last week, those of us in the tri-state area had a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The solar eclipse moment of totality lined up right over a lot of our heads. Whether you live in Southern Indiana and Western Kentucky or any of the other places lucky enough to have front-row seats, you'll agree it was an amazing thing to see.
Eye Protection During Solar Eclipse
Of course, we have always been told never to stare directly at the sun, so thankfully there were places either giving glasses away for free or free with the purchase of a cool eclipse treat or souvenir. Which was a good thing, because stores were sold out and procrastinators were hustling to hurry and find a way to view the eclipse.
Why Do My Eyes Hurt After the Eclipse?
Despite glasses being distributed all over the tri-state and folks using them properly (or so they thought), there seems to have been a lot of folks having pain behind and in their eyes following the solar eclipse. They all asked Google, "Why do my eyes hurt?" or something in that regard including the words "eyes hurt." I have to admit, mine were a little sore too, so what did I do? I Googled it! Look at the spike in number of searches. And then how quickly it goes back to normal.
Come to find out, even if you wear protective glasses, some people can still feel negative side effects from the eclipse. It's not uncommon to have sore eyes because of the act of taking your glasses on and off as the moon made its progression. Having to adjust from light to dark over and over can wear your eyes out and make them hurt. That was another Google spike, headaches after the eclipse.
It's gonna be a long time til we have to worry about the possible side effects of staring at an eclipse for too long. I hope we will remember to be as careful as we can. Our optometrists will thank us!