Here’s Where Kentucky Ranks on the List of States With the Worst Drivers
I have to admit, my driving skills could use a little work. I swing along the scale of two total opposites when it comes to navigating the road.
Memaw- I am totally overly cautious and teetle down the road at exactly the speed limit while waiting for ages to turn out into traffic at just the perfect moment. I will circle blocks looking for the perfect place to park, and it won't ever require parallel parking. Sometimes I will attempt to do things for my son Rollins like open a water bottle, or fix the AC vent which can distract me from the road
NASCAR Rebel- My inner speed demon usually just comes out when I am super late to something important. I don't get road rage when driving on actual roads, but it does rear its ugly head in parking lots! Especially when they aren't marked well (I'm looking at you Wesleyan Park Plaza) and entitled folks just zoom right through not worrying about who has the right of way.

I have had to mind my Ps and Qs though, as I learn to drive the radio state vehicles. The Jeep is no problem at all, but that big ole monster truck is a whole 'nother story. If you ever see me out trying to maneuver a parking lot in that huge thing, just look the other way, please!
I know I am not alone in my bad driving quirks because Forbes magazine recently presented a study done on the states with the worst drivers, and Kentucky did not do so hot.
Kentuckians rank as the 5th worst drivers in the country with a score of 78.96 out of 100. The only states worse than us are Oklahoma, Kansas, Louisiana, and Texas with Texas holding down that top spot (remind me never to drive there.)
By tracking accidents and what has caused them, Forbes Advisor was able to determine that Kentucky drivers have an awful track record when it comes to distracted and drowsy driving. "The state also has the ninth highest number of fatal car accidents involving a driver who was driving the wrong way on a one-way street or on the wrong side of the road (0.74 accidents per 100,000 licensed drivers)." Driving the wrong way? Come on people, that's just bad!
Let's get it together y'all. Apparently, the biggest problem here is not paying attention to the road. Put your phone on hands-free mode, tell the kids whatever they need can wait, and turn on WBKR so we can keep you company til you safely arrive at your destination.