Movie Filmed in KY in ’22 Finally Has a Trailer and Premiere Date
A few years ago, Kentucky suddenly became a hotbed for filmmakers looking to take advantage of a new tax incentive which makes the Commonwealth a more financially attractive location to shoot a movie.
The Tax Incentive That's Bringing Filmmakers to Kentucky
It's called the Kentucky Entertainment Incentive, and it grants qualified projects up to $10 million in tax credits. This is the incentive's primary objective:
The purpose of the KEI Program is to encourage the film and entertainment industry to choose locations in the Commonwealth for the filming and production of motion picture or entertainment productions; the development of a film and entertainment industry in Kentucky; increased employment opportunities for the citizens of the Commonwealth within the film and entertainment industry; and the development of a production and postproduction infrastructure in the Commonwealth for film production and touring Broadway show production facilities containing state-of-the-art technologies.
A Kentucky-Made Movie Gets a Trailer and a Release Date
Combine the beauty of Kentucky with a way to save money, and, just like that, you have Hollywood looking at the Bluegrass State with a gleam in its eye. Back in 2022, the makers of the new crime thriller Red Right Hand sported that gleam, and now the film has a new trailer and a release date.
The story of a man caring for his orphaned niece in a small Appalachian town and dealing with the sadistic crime kingpin he used to work for, Red Right Hand is set for limited release on February 23rd, the same day it day it will be released to video on demand and digital.
Kentucky Welcomed Orlando Bloom With Open Arms
While filming, star Orlando Bloom took some time to hang with the locals and made one birthday girl, in particular, very happy.
He even took in some local cuisine in New Castle KY.
Interestingly--and I have no idea if there are any statistics about this--ANOTHER movie filmed in Kentucky, Ordinary Angels, will also be released on February 23rd.
I'm not sure that's ever happened before, but it DOES prove that the Kentucky Entertainment Incentive is working, and that's nothing but good news.
LOOK: Which movies were filmed in Kentucky?
Gallery Credit: Stacker
LOOK: Where people in Kentucky are moving to most
Gallery Credit: Stacker