As the immortal quote from Field of Dreams goes, if you build it, they will come. And there's no doubt that when the doors open to My Sister's Keeper, Owensboro's newest shelter for women and children, is just weeks from opening its doors to the public. Executive Director Angel Welsh knows that the demand for the beds at her facility will likely overwhelm capacity.

I spoke with Angel late last week and she says she's fielding dozens of calls a day. While My Sister's Keeper isn't yet available for accommodations, Angel is serving many local women and children by coordinating resources for them. She says the demand for services and shelter in Daviess County is growing exponentially. That's why the opening of My Sister's Keeper can't come quickly enough.

That opening has been delayed considerably because of rising construction costs.

Angel Welsh
Angel Welsh
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The original estimate to complete the renovation was around $80,000. The final price tag will end up being around $300,000. The good news is, because of charitable donations from a variety of foundations, businesses and individuals in the community, it's paid for.

The 'after' photos are stunning!

Angel Welsh
Angel Welsh
Angel Welsh
Angel Welsh
Angel Welsh
Angel Welsh
Angel Welsh
Angel Welsh
Angel Welsh
Angel Welsh

To continue their mission of serving displaced women and children, My Sister's Keeper has launched their second annual bed sponsorship fundraiser. In sponsoring a "bed" for $1000, you're essentially assuring that the shelter can serve the needs of the women and children they're coordinating care for.

Angel Welsh
Angel Welsh

Angel says this year's campaign is off to an incredible start and a couple of groups, like the self-proclaimed Friends of Hancock, who sought out to secure one bed sponsorship, ended up raising enough money to pay for three of them. It's this type of generosity that has made the dream of My Sister's Keeper a reality.

If you'd like to donate and become a Bed Sponsor for the upcoming year, you can do so by CLICKING HERE!

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Gallery Credit: ANGEL WELSH

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