Mondays are Hard! What Song Helps You Start Your Day in the Morning?
These early mornings are taking some getting used to! I love being awake before the rest of my family as the birds start chirping, but it can be rough getting my happy behind out of bed at 4:00AM. A fun fact about me, I love making playlists. I have one for every holiday, road trip, and any possible mood I may find myself in. My favorite playlists though, are the ones that help motivate me to be productive, so I'm compiling a list of good songs that help get me going.
1. Queen "Don't Stop Me Now"
This has been a favorite hype song of mine for a long time. Freddie Mercury had such amazing energy, he's one of the only singers that can get me anywhere close to "leaping through the sky like a tiger" when my alarm clock goes off in the morning.
2. John Michael Montgomery "Sold (The Grundy County Auction Incident)"
Sometimes hitting that snooze button in the morning feels like the chance to look presentable for the day is going once, going twice, sold to M-Kat with my hair in a messy bun! But once I'm up, this song keeps me on my feet til I dance on over to the station.
Last week, Chad and I interviewed John Michael Montgomery. Read all about it!
3. Annie Lennox "Walking on Broken Glass"
When I was in college, this song was my alarm clock! The happy piano lead and inspirational lyrics had me feeling like I could smash whatever challenge ahead with a positive outlook. I would listen to it on my iPod walking to a presentation or test.

4. Vince Gill "One More Last Chance"
Growing up, my dad used to be the one to get me ready and take me to school. My mom was a teacher and had to be at school early. He loved Vince Gill and would play this song (and the whole I Still Believe in You cassette tape) as he braided my hair in the mornings. He rocked out a mean French braid! They were so tight, but stayed in all day. This song makes me think of those days with him!
5. Elle King and Miranda Lambert "Drunk (and I Don't Wanna Go Home)"
OK this one is MY JAM!!! And luckily is in the WBKR rotation, so I can dance myself awake if I am on the struggle bus.
Do you have any songs that hype you up to get you ready for the day? Feel free to let me know so I can add them to my playlist!