Kentucky Couple Make Hilarious Appearance on The Daily Show with Leslie Jones
When Owensboro, KY couple Misty and Mark Miller decided to slip away to New York City for the weekend, they had no idea they were going to end up on national television. But it happened and here's how.
Misty and Mark headed off to the Big Apple over the weekend to catch the final performance of The Music Man on Broadway. The musical, starring Hugh Jackman and Sutton Foster, came to an end of its stellar run a couple of days ago and Misty and Mark were there to see it.
In addition to catching The Music Man, the couple also hit up a few other iconic Times Square staples, including the restaurant Sardi's, which is known for its glorious collection of caricatures of legendary Broadway stars.

As fun as their weekend escape shaped up to be, nothing prepared them for what was going to happen as they prepared to leave and come back to Kentucky.
After checking out of their hotel on Monday morning, the two decided to walk around Times Square some more before heading off to the airport. As it turns out, The Daily Show special guest host Leslie Jones was there filming a segment about how white people planned to spend Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Wouldn't you know? She stumbled across Misty and Mark.
Let's just say that Leslie wasn't all that impressed with how the Millers were celebrating the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., so she hilariously insisted that Mark make some "reparations." Here's what happened! You can catch the Owensboro couple at the :28 mark.
Here's Misty chatting about the unexpected experience!
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