Kentucky’s Deadliest Highway Runs Through the Tri-State
Have you ever heard of Geotab? Well, it's a company that specializes in global positioning fleet management and vehicle tracking.
So, Geotab is uniquely qualified to give us statistics on what the deadliest highways are in each U.S. state.
CBS News says that Geotab used data that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration gathered over a ten-year period, from 2008 through 2017 to determine its findings.
Then, the tracking company adjusted its data after researching average daily traffic counts using information provided by the Federal Highway Administration.
Guess what?
The deadliest highway in Kentucky is U.S. 62 which runs right through the southern portion of the tri-state area. In fact, right now, I can see it from here and travel it frequently.
Geotab learned there are more than 12 annual deaths each year on U.S. 62, which stretches from Maysville, Kentucky in the northeast to the border at Cairo, Illinois--some 391 miles.
I find this interesting because I follow the Kentucky State Police on Facebook and Twitter and I am always seeing news about wrecks on Interstate 75. And, in fact, many states in Geotab's research have interstate highways as their deadliest.
But, I guess, for all the accidents on 75, U.S. 62 is even worse.
And, by the way, we're no strangers to Indiana's deadliest highway.
U.S. 41 anyone?