KFC Yum! Center Increasing Security Measures
The KFC Yum! Center in Louisville has implemented new security measures. To expedite entry into the facility for an event, AEG Facilities has some tips.
Since the new measures will require passing through metal detectors and bag restrictions, you are encouraged to arrive as close as possible to the time that doors open for events--one hour prior to women's basketball games and 90 minutes prior to men's games.
This will prevent a last minute rush that could cause significant delays.
When you approach the entrance, be prepared to place all phones and cameras in a tray and unzip your jacket.
You will still be able to wear hats, belt buckles, shoes and jewelry as you pass through the metal detectors. Plus you will not be required to remove change, wallets, and keys from your pockets.
Make sure you hold onto your own ticket rather than have one person hold all tickets for the group, if you're in a group.
Before you arrive at a given event, please leave all prohibited items in your car or at home. The list of prohibited items can be found at www.kfcyumcenter.com/guest-services/guest-services-a-z.
Also, purses must be no larger than 14"x14"x6".
Finally, fans should avoid gathering at any particular door unless otherwise instructed.
For more information, visit www.kfcyumcenter.com.