We aren't taking the Caddy on this trip; it's featured in this article because I almost wrecked it Monday morning because of two women's strange, wrong and stupid decision.

I was making my morning commute to the office here on Frederica.  I turned off the bypass and headed north to the station - through the intersection at Tamarack and then at Warwick.

Suddenly, I saw a shimmer of light ahead of me in the road.  I realized it was two women running on Frederica... into traffic... and it's 5 in the morning so it's dark.  Are you kidding me?  I slam on my brakes. 60% of the pressure applied was to avoid killing two idiot people running down the street and the other 40% was drama. And I understand, it was early in the morning and there was hardly any traffic but when you see two headlights coming toward you, why not just get back up on the sidewalk?

There was one other lady running along with them.  She was on the sidewalk which I believe is the place where runners should run.  I quickly thought to myself, "If you are trying to better your life by exercising, why would you risk it by running down the street in the dark?"

Now, let's go on our trip!  There is a lovely sidewalk on Frederica that runs North of the Bypass that is used for foot travel... ie: Running & Walking.  While you are on this street, you can go absolutely anywhere in Owensboro via connecting roads (most of which have sidewalks).  Frederica is the Messiah of getting places in Owensboro.

If you feel the need to keep running and stay in the best of shape, there are an estimated 856,000,000 other streets in Owensboro that are equipped with sidewalks.  If you feel the need to run in the street, do the speed limit, that way I don't have to slam on my brakes, swerve and almost smash into the only other car that is running in Kentucky at 5 in the morning.  I wish these two women luck with their exercising techniques in the future.


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