It seems like it always rains and storms at the International Bar-B-Q Festival in downtown Owensboro and this year was no exception.  There were two big bouts of rain on Saturday.  And Friday kicked off with a bang as storm clouds rolled in and started to swirl right above the festival.  Check this out!  I happened to have my iPhone handy and things were looking a little sketchy.

Luckily, those clouds finally broke up and moved on and we just had to endure rain.  But Jaclyn "Chicken Little" Graves bolted as soon as she the clouds swirling and moving opposite directions.  Until armageddon started to brew overhead, we were covering the festival together.  But when I decided to thumb my nose at Mother Nature and start recording her fury, Jaclyn bailed and basically left me for dead.  I never saw the blonde again though I heard rumors there were sightings of her inside Fetta at the bar.

So, there you have it.  Now you know which one of us is dedicated to bringing you the story, the action, the thrills, the danger.  And which one of us is just a hack lush who looks for any excuse she can find, like a potential funnel cloud overhead, to seek cover and comfort in the arms of a draft beer.  Pitiful.

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