My Brother is Here

My kid brother has sold his house in California and has moved to the Whitesville area.  I am charged, he and I were typical brothers and may not have seen eye to eye on everything -- OK we may have tried to kill each other at different times but hey what are brothers for? - but we love each other.  When it comes down to it we are there together for each other and always will be.  He is a bit harder on California then me, I only call it the “Socialist Republic of California”, he calls it that “Communist State”.  Those were the exact words he used when he told my wife he was selling his place four blocks from the ocean and moving here.

Well he settled in just in time for it to start warming up and he is looking forward to the BBQ Festival.  What a great time to come to a new home. Spring is in the air with all its promises of renewal.  He is wonderfully surprised by the friendliness of the people and is finding all the good things I did when I first moved here.

What you may ask would cause someone living four blocks from the beach in southern California give up the perfect weather to move to Kentucky.  Those of us that love this area already know that answer.  There is more to life than the beach and 68 to 72 degrees all year.  There are hills and such covered with trees, the different seasons that mark the passing of time but most of all the friendliness and openness of the people.  I’m glad he is here and I hope he likes it here as much as I do.

I also know that another reason that he is moving here is the same reason we both call California what we do.  The high taxes, unreasonable laws and restrictions on liberty are as much of the decision to leave as the rest.  Let’s face it last year was the first year that those moving out of California out paced those moving in. It is sometimes said as California goes so goes the rest of the nation.  I hope that does not happen because I would hate to see what is happening in California happen to Kentucky or the rest of the nation for that matter.

Bruce R Pierce





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