Owensboro and the Tri-State Share ‘Frozen Tree’ Pics [PHOTOS]
We have just wrapped up our first winter storm of the season...in MID-NOVEMBER! And while I had no trouble driving the streets of Owensboro, others did, I learned. But most of the ice seemed to be up in the trees.
Take a look at one from Chad's backyard:
And this tree on Dartmouth Drive was hanging so low, the lower limbs--which, admittedly, are hard to see--were hanging right over the hood of my car:
Of course, we're still in the middle of fall. So there are those trees that feature ice AND color:
Speaking of ice and color...
Now check out these Facebook posts:
So, whether or not this was an OFFICIAL ice storm, we had enough ice on the trees in Owensboro and around the tri-state do enough damage that the designation probably doesn't matter.
Thanks for posting these images, folks!