Paula finally made it to the Today Show on Wednesday.  She broke down and insisted she is not a racist.  Matt Lauer really laid the hammer down and grilled Paula on whether she was on the show, purely to save her financial empire.  Paula really made some strong statements.

Lauer asked the question- "Would you have fired you?"  Dean Replied "Knowing me, no."  Which to me personally, I think I would have had a sit down with Paula and said "Hey, You should probably just not say that kind of stuff, ya know?"  Not just fire her and leave her out to dry.

In some of her statements she revealed that her father would let bad grades slide and maybe even a curfew.  But there was one thing that he would never do, and that was to let Paula disrespect someone.  Some of the other statements she made were filled with apology and the touching piece as she answered Matt saying, quote (expect grammar errors)- "I believe that every creature on this earth, every one of God's creatures was created equal, no matter who you choose to go to bed at night with, no matter what church you go to pray.  I believe that everyone should be treated equal and that's the way I was raised, and that is the way I live my life.  Then pleading "If there's anyone out there that has never said something that they wish they could take back, if you're out there, please pick up that stone and throw it so hard at my head that it kills me. Please,  I want to meet you.  I want to meet you,  I is what I is and I'm not changing, there's someone evil out there that saw what I had worked for, and they wanted it."


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