According to our friends at Kentucky News Connection, a new report says African-Americans in Kentucky are nearly six times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than are white people. If it is true, billions of dollars are being wasted nationwide on racially-biased arrests.

Study author Ezekiel Edwards claims there is a racial bias because federal studies show that usage rates are about the same for blacks and whites.

"Race being the one common factor here certainly raises questions about racial profiling and community profiling," Edwards charges. "And I think the police are more likely to go to certain neighborhoods."

The study found that, nationwide, blacks are nearly four times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession as whites.

Kentucky spent more than $19 million in 2010 cracking down on marijuana use.

Edwards thinks the money could be better spent. "That's money that really should go to public schools, drug treatment and to fight serious crime."

To see the entire report go to the ACLU website

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