RESPECT starts Now! (Shaped by FAITH)
Shaped by Faith guests today Leslie Blake, receptionist at Wendell Foster and John Gleason, Community Outreach Specialist at Wendell Foster. Both of them are very involved in a new campaign for Wendell Foster called, “Respect Starts Now!”
“The Respect Starts Now!” Campaign is structured to influence students to show respect to all. The campaign:
Challenges common thinking toward individuals with disabilities and differences.
Supports anti-bullying efforts to build a greater understanding and compassion for others.
Persuades the audience to eliminate all hurtful and insulting terminology from their vocabulary.
Presentation Details
The presentation is great for all ages and
shatters stereotypes of people with
disabilities. A discussion is led by John
Gleason and Lesley Blake. Lesley shares
her personal experience with Cerebral
Palsy and the importance of showing
respect to all.
Time: 30 minutes.
Bulletin Board Contest
Special education teachers and their students are invited to design a “Respect Starts Now!” school bulletin board advocating the message to show respect to all.
Involving your students with special needs in the “Respect Starts Now!” campaign:
1. Positions your students in having a voice and presence among their school peers.
2. Allows students to self-advocate their right for respect, acceptance and inclusion within their own school.
3. Allows students to express how they feel about being treated with respect.
4. Empowers students to educate others about who they are as a person, seeing their ability verses their disability.
Essay Contest
Campaign Theme Examples: Think Before You Speak; Respect All Day, Every Day; Watch Your Words; Spread Respect; R for Respect; Step Up, Speak Up; The New R Word
Age Groups: Grades 6-12 are invited to participate.
Contest Categories divided in two grade groups: 6-8 and 9-12.
Poster Contest
Campaign Theme Examples: Think Before you Speak; Respect All Day, Every Day; Watch Your Words; Spread Respect; R for Respect; Step Up, Speak Up; The New R Word
Age Groups: Grades K-8 are invited to participate.
Contest categories are divided into three grade groups: K-2, 3-5, and 6-8.
To schedule a presentation, please contact:
John Gleason Community Outreach Specialist