Pilates is by far my most FAVORITE form of Exercise!
When I first discovered Pilates, I fell in love with its focus on the core. Every movement in Pilates initiates from the core, creating center strength while building muscles in other areas. Besides the strength Pilates provides, it also is a beautiful, dancelike, low-impact workout. When I am doing Pilates exercises, I feel empowered and graceful at the same time. I believe the best way to develop a strong powerhouse is through Pilates.

So what exactly is Pilates? Pilates is a series of stretching and strengthening exercises developed in the twentieth century by Joseph Pilates. He called his method “Contrology,” which refers to the way the method encourages the use of the mind to control the muscles. It is an exercise program that focuses on the core postural muscles that help keep the body balanced and are essential to providing support for the spine. In particular, Pilates exercises teach awareness of breath, alignment of the spine, and strengthening of the deep torso muscles, which are important to help alleviate and prevent back pain.

Pilates requires concentration and focus, because the body is moved through precise ranges of motion. Pilates caters to everyone, from beginner to advanced, with modifications shown for each exercise. You can perform the exercises on a mat using your own body weight, or with the aid of various props, such as a stability ball, a small weighted ball, stretch bands, the Pilates circle, or foam rollers.

A typical Pilates workout includes a number of exercises performed in repetitions of ten. Each exercise is performed with attention to proper breathing techniques and abdominal control. To gain the maximum benefit, you should do Pilates at least two times per week. You should notice a body transformation and postural improvements within ten to twenty sessions.

•    Besides a strengthened core, Pilates promotes whole-person wellness by providing:
•    improved flexibility, increased muscle strength, particularly of the abdominal
•    muscles, lower back, hips and buttocks (powerhouse muscles or core),
•    balanced muscular strength on both sides of the body,
•    enhanced muscular control of the back and limbs,
•    improved stabilization of the spine,
•    greater awareness of posture,
•    improved physical coordination and balance,
•    relaxation of your shoulders, neck and upper back, safe rehabilitation of joint and spinal injuries,
•    prevented musculoskeletal injuries,
•    eased low back pain, and
•    uplifted mind and spirit.

Below is one of my favorite Pilates exercises that will help you build a strong core. It doesn’t take a ton of repetitions to build your powerhouse; it takes concentration, breathing, purposeful movement, and a willingness to take it step-by-step.

Roll Up/Roll Down
Begin by lying on your back with your legs extended out and your arms reaching over your head. Engage your powerhouse muscles and keep the spine neutral. Take a deep inhale, and lift your shoulders and upper body off the floor one vertebra at a time as you exhale and extend up over your legs, keeping the legs and feet on the floor and your eyes gazing toward your power house muscles. Inhale and roll back down to the floor one vertebra at a time while keeping your abdominals scooped in. Repeat this 5–10 times.

Visit www.shapedbyfaith.com to see more Pilates Exercises!
You may even want to order my Pilates for the Soul DVD, it will strengthen your CORE and SOUL!

Check out the video demonstration!!

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