Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive This Saturday
This is going to be a big weekend for food in Owensboro-Daviess County. Friday and Saturday mark the International BBQ Festival downtown and thousands upon thousands of people (including this one) are going to be stuffing their faces with mutton, pork, chicken, funnel cakes and more. But, Saturday morning, we are asking you to help those who just aren't as fortunate. Hunger is a serious problem worldwide, but also right here in the tristate. That's why our local United Way and the National Association of Letter Carriers are again teaming up for the Stamp Out Hunger Campaign. This is the 27th year for the movement and you can help simply by placing a bag of non-perishable food by your mailbox before your mail carrier arrives Saturday. Here are the official details on how you can help. It's quick and painless, but VERY rewarding!
They are accepting any non-perishable food items. Please do not donate items with expiration dates. Food will be picked up and gathered by mail carriers. Have the food items by your mailboxes at least by 9 a.m.
Items needed: rice, canned fruits and vegetables, canned meals (such as soups, chili and pasta), 100 percent juice, peanut butter, macaroni and cheese, cereal, pasta, pasta sauce or spaghetti sauce, canned meats like tuna or chicken and beans (canned or dry).
Donations will stay right here in our community and will be distributed to the following; Oasis Shelter, Third Baptist Church, King’s Table, Feed a Friend Community Meal, Church Alive, Crossroads and Pleasant Valley Community Church.
Thank you in advance for helping "STAMP OUT HUNGER".
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