Christmas Wish Fundraiser

Huge Benefit Yard Sale in Memory of Dalton "Nanner" Nantz
Huge Benefit Yard Sale in Memory of Dalton "Nanner" Nantz
Huge Benefit Yard Sale in Memory of Dalton "Nanner" Nantz
The Nantz family will be hosting a community yard sale this weekend to benefit Christmas Wish. Dalton Nantz, was a military veteran and humanitarian who passed away in January of 2018. "Nanner" was a huge supporter of Christmas Wish, so the family wanted to honor his memory, in a very special way. Many people from all over the community have already dropped off items for the event.
DC Fire Department Christmas Wish Golf Scramble
DC Fire Department Christmas Wish Golf Scramble
DC Fire Department Christmas Wish Golf Scramble
You still have time to get a team together to help make sure every child in the tri-state gets a visit from Santa this year. The Christmas Wish Golf Scramble with the Daviess County Fire Department is right around the corner.