Recent events in Dallas and heightened tensions nationwide prompted this PD to make sure "Pokemon Go" players don't let a Charizard get in the way of their safety.
Founded in 2011, the group seeks the public's assistance in providing essential equipment both the human officer, and the canine officer need to do their job effectively, and in some cases, stay alive when things get nasty.
The investigation into the Boston Marathon bombing seeped into New Bedford, Mass. on Friday evening with the questioning of several people who knew suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
Recently, the Owensboro Police Department began using social media sites to
further advance our crime solving ability.
According to Officer Michael Hathaway, the Public Information Office, is posting photographs and video clips to the Owensboro Police Department website, Facebook page, and twitter account, with two goals in mind:
Ricardo Jones was angry that the price of a Taco Bell Beefy Crunch Burrito had gone from 99 cents to a $1.49. How angry? Well, it took tear gas and a SWAT team to finally calm him down.
In Jones's defense, he had ordered seven Beefy Crunch Burritos from a Taco Bell drive-through window in San Antonio, Texas...