I found a website that found 10 diners in the Commonwealth of Kentucky that don't look fancy, but have some of the best menus in the Bluegrass. Now, after reading the list, I can only assume they didn't come to Owensboro.

Yep, there's nothing like a good"meat-and-three" to take you back to good ol' home cookin'.

And the images for these restaurants will make your mouth water, no doubt.

But I have to say where is this one:



And what about this one:


Google Street View
Google Street View


Or this one:


Google Street View
Google Street View


That's right. You won't find JayDee's or Madewell's or Dee's Diner on their list. So let's just pretend they ARE on that list, because they SHOULD be on that list.

Sound good?

Anyway, you can click here for the complete list.

(You know, the one that should include JayDee's and Madewell's and Dee's.)

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