Weekly Happenings At Daviess Co. Public Schools 2/13
Audubon Elementary School Caleb York
300 Worthington Road 852-7150
Primary Grades K, 1, 2 will have visual arts with Dukie Tabor
Jump Rope team practice Wednesday from 2:30-4:00
Burns Elementary School Amy Shutt
4514 Goetz Drive 852-7170
Tuesday, February 14th- 2:30-3:30p.m.
- Technology Club- the club will be filming for their next Newscast.
- Bully Busters Club- the club will be discussing the issue of teasing, how to respond, through role play, when someone is teased.
- Book Club- the club will be meeting for the first time. Participants will be learning about genres of books and students favorite genres.
Thursday, February 16th- 2:30-3:30 p.m.
- Bully Busters Club- the club will be watching a video and discussing Gossip and Rumors.
- Book Club- the club will be looking at AR books and deciding the types of genres of books.
Deer Park Elementary School Cindy Galloway
4959 New Hartford Road 852-7270
Mon., Feb. 13
STLP 2:30-3:15pm
Book Fair Feb. 13-Feb. 17
Family Read Night 5:30-7:00pm
We will be having a special book character visit the Book Fair Family Night Monday. We are having a contest to guess who our special guest will be. Each morning for the rest of the week, a clue will be given on the Morning News. Students can fill out forms and make a guess during their Media Center time or during bus duty with a teacher’s approval. Five names will be drawn and with the correct guess, they will receive $5 gift certificates for the Book Fair. Winners will be announced next week.
Wed.,Feb. 15
Clifford’s Birthday Celebration, We will be having a phone conversation with Clifford author, Norman Bridwell. Students have prepared questions to ask him and decorated cards to send to Mr. Bidwell. He will also be receiving a care package with a Deer Park t-shirt and other items. We are wearing red in honor of Clifford’s birthday.
Academic Team 2:30-3:30pm
Thur. Feb. 16
Christ Club 2:30-3:15pm
Fri., Feb. 17
3rd Secret Garden 11:30-1:30pm
Highland Elementary School Anita Newman
2909 Leitchfield Road 852-7370
Tuesday, February 14 - Valentine Parties for the entire school begin at 1:00!
Wednesday, February 15 & Thursday, February 16
Highland will conduct a BIKE SAFETY rodeo for children
Grades 3 – 5 . Classes are from 8:00-11:00 (Wed.) 12:30-2:00 (Wed.) and 8:00-11:00 (Thurs.)
Children will “drive” through an obstacle course to teach signals, helmet safety, and rules
of the road for a bike rider. This event is sponsored by Kosair’s Children’s Hospital and the
Kentucky Office of Highway Safety.
Friday, February 17 - 4th grade students will go on a field trip to the River Park Center for a showing of The Secret Garden
Meadow Lands Elementary School Kevin Lowe
3500 Hayden Road 852-7450
Monday, February 13th
-Bill Fannin – Imagination Station-4th Grade- 1 p.m. - Conservation Officer Bill Fannin will be discussing fish and wildlife at this visit with students.
-Academic team practice-2:30-4:00-Ms.Gallagher’s room
-ESS-2:30-4:00-Imagination Station
-Wrestling team practice-2:30-4:00-Gym
Tuesday, February 14th
-Happy Valentine’s Day-Parties begin at 1:00
Wednesday, February 15th
-Wrestling practice-2:30-4:00-gym
Thursday. February 16th
-DCMS Band visits for 5th grade-gym-7:45-8:30
-Academic team practice-2:30-4:00-Gallagher’s room
-Cheerleading practice-2:30-4:00-gym
Friday, February 17th
-Jump Rope for Heart Day! –GOAL OF $4,000!-see Mrs. Bouchard get taped to a wall! . Jump rope for heart is all day with each class. Principal Kevin Lowe and assistant principal Shawn Bishop will be double-dutch jumping – media, you don’t want to miss that! J
Sorgho Elementary School Beverly Dawson
5390 Kentucky 56 852-7470
Monday, February 13th – Sorgho starts their Walk-A-Thon fundraiser. All proceeds raised will go to support the Washington D.C. trip
Tuesday, February 14th – JA lessons will take place at Sorgho
Wednesday, February 15th – Sorgho Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser night. Go to Buffalo Wild Wings and take a flier to support the Sorgho 5th grade Washington D.C. trip. The flier can be downloaded from the Sorgho School website. JA lessons will take place at Sorgho.
Thursday, February 16th - JA lessons will take place at Sorgho
Southern Oaks Elementary School Pam Burns
7525 U.S. 431 852-7570
Thursday, February 16th – SOES will host the District Governor’s Cup Coaches Meeting 3:30
Participating schools: WLES, BES, Calhoun Elementary, Livermore Elementary, SOES
Tamarack Elementary School Allison Coomes
1733 Tamarack Road 852-7550
Friday – 3rd,4th,5th graders to attend the 12:00 performance of The Secret Garden, at the RiverPark Center