What Retailer or Restaurant Should Come to Towne Square North?
Towne Square North in Owensboro recently received a facelift, and added a new retailer, Mega Replay. What other restaurant or retailer would you like to see join them?
Back in September, Mega Replay came to Owensboro and chose Towne Square North as their home. They joined Big Lots, Buffalo Wild Wings, Office Depot, Plato’s Closet, and many others in their new location. After losing Hobby Lobby to 54, Shoe Stop to Wesleyan Park Plaza, along with the closing of Books-A-Million, we wondered what would become of the shopping center. With the facelift complete, there's much hope for continued progress.
What restaurant or retailer would you like to see come to town? Maybe a HomeGoods store in the big space that Books-A-Million vacated? Or, make it a new Red Robin Gourmet Burgers and Brews restaurant? A Dick's Sporting Goods maybe. A Sephora would be awesome where Tuesday Morning used to be. Or a Christian retailer, like LifeWay? So many good options to chose from. Who would like to open in Owensboro? Chime in!

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