Emily and Mark Shelton of Whitesville, KY know how to make a phone ring. When they put their minds to it, they don't make just one ring. They make them all ring.

The Sheltons have become staples of the WBKR/Window World St. Jude Radiothon and will be with us again this week as we host our annual, two-day fundraising event. The Sheltons, as they have been for over a decade, will be our special musical guest in the 3pm hour on Friday, February 3rd- the second day of our St. Jude event.

Years ago, Emily started setting an hourly Partner-in-Hope goal for the couple.  That number has increased every year and the conversation between the two goes something like this. Emily will shout out an incredibly ambitious number. Mark will quickly tell her she's crazy. They'll come into the studio, start singing and, without fail, miraculously make their goal.

In 2023, they set the bar ridiculously high.  They gunned for 250 St. Jude Partners-in-Hope in one hour.


That hour was INSANITY! Our runners were zipping down to the hall to the studio and throwing "pink slips" at us. By the way, "pink slip" is our term for the pieces of paper that have the names of our St. Jude Partner-in-Hope pledges on them. Oh, and they aren't always pink.  However, each slip of paper represents one St. Jude Partner. You can imagine what a stack of 250 looked like!

Well, this year, Mark must be shaking his head again. Emily has decided that their new goal is 275 Partners-in-Hope in one hour.

Now, you may be wondering how to become a Partner-in-Hope. It's a pledge of $19 per month for 12 months on a debit or credit card. You can make that pledge during the WBKR St. Jude Radiothon by calling 1-800-201-8883.  This year, all of our St. Jude Partners are going to receive this awesome new t-shirt.

St. Jude
St. Jude

The 2023 is a deep navy blue and, if Emily and Mark have their way, 275 people will be getting theirs during the 3pm hour this Friday.

And, just in case you're wondering what all that math looks like.  If they can secure 275 St. Jude Partners-in-Hope, the Sheltons will raise a whopping $62,700 in just an hour.

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So, will they do it?  Tune into The Country Station, 92.5 WBKR at 3pm CST on Friday, February 3rd. And, if you want to join the fun, grab your cell phone and by standing by to call. Or you can donate online by CLICKING HERE!


St. Jude 2023

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