365 ways to love your child (Shaped by Faith)
I have met so many authors through mutual friends and Julie Lavender is one of those lovely authors!
Julie is the award-winning author of several books, including 365 Days of Celebration and Praise and Creative Sleepovers for Kids! She has co-author of Come and Behold Him. Her work has appeared in several anthologies and curricula, as well as many magazines, such as the Upper Room, Guideposts, Homeschooling Today, Parent Life, Clubhouse, Today's Christian Woman, and Focus on the Family.
Julie writes faith-based articles for her local newspaper and is a regular contributor to several websites and blogs on parenting topics. She lives with her husband, David, in South Georgia, not far from the charming city of Savannah.
I absolutely Love her book, 365 ways to love your child, and really wish I would have had this book when my children were in grade school. But, I can still use it as a resource now to have fun with my grandchildren!
Julie gives her readers a gazillion ways to show love to a child by keeping things simple. Her suggestions in her book, 365 ways to love your child, is such a great resource for anyone wanting to turn moments into lasting memories with a child. These tangible acts of love show your kids they are valued by you and, most especially, by God.
You can find Julie Lavender and her books https://www.facebook.com/JulieLavenderAuthor/
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