You have probably seen me write before that I am a bit of a tech junkie. So it will come at no surprise that my interest was peaked when I heard about Amazon testing delivery drones.

Amazon Prime Air as they are calling it plans to be able to deliver packages to the customer in 30 minutes or less using unmanned drones. According to Amazon’s website, this is something that they have been working on for a while. However, it seems like it could be a while before they are able to use the delivery method commercially.

One of thing that Amazon is waiting on is FAA regulation that allows the use of unmanned devices. According to the website, the regulations will help ensure public safety. Amazon’s website also says they hope that the regulations will be in place as early as 2015.

I wonder not only about public safety and what, if any, dangers the drones could pose, but I also wonder how Amazon will help protect the packages that they are delivering.

I found a video of a recent test of one of the Amazon drones, check it out:

This is not the first time someone has tried delivery with drones. Earlier this year, Dominos tested drones to deliver pizza! Check out one of their tests here:

I have even read that UPS is testing delivery drones as well. Who knows, with several companies testing delivery drones, in the next few years, we could see small helicopters flying around on a regular basis carrying a variety of packages door to door.

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