This thing will work out your entire body.  I am not kidding.  I was on this thing for about 30 seconds and I broke into a sweat.  At opening day of the Kentucky State Fair last week, I happened across the Euro Body Shaper and thought I would give it a try.  Honestly, I thought it would make a really funny video for the web and that I would look like a complete fool.  I knew my behind was going to shake like I was working for the Chippendales, but I was okay with it.  What I didn't expect was a ridiculously hard and calorie-burning workout.  WATCH!

My friend Valerie and I both took a shot at conquering The Euro Body Shaper and I think it conquered us.  According to signs posted on the machines we tested, a full hour on a treadmill is equivalent to just ten minutes on this apparatus.  It was awesome.  And thank goodness I got a workout in at the State Fair.  The Euro Body Shaper helped me burn off th deep-fried Girl Scout Cookies and the porkchop sandwich I devoured.


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