Construction and New Business is Everywhere in Owensboro Part 1
I am a bit confused. Everyone is talking about downtown and that is a good thing but what about the other parts of Owensboro that are growing? The new hospital, National Guard Readiness Center, and Downtown are all anyone talks about.
Many are so concerned about Show-Me's going into the former Ruby Tuesday's location in the Mall they haven't noticed all the other areas of expansion. It seems we forget new schools, an indoor sports complex big enough to hold ball games in and a ton of other projects.
In the next few days I am going to scout out the area for signs of new or expanding business. My goal is to show that the Owensboro - Daviess County area is doing quite well despite what the national news says. Since there are way too many projects for one posting I will do these in sections.
Todays section is the Hwy. 54 area. With Don Moore locating along 54, joining Wal-Mart, Cheddars, Kohl's and most recently the Owensboro Family Eyecare Center (who is sharing a new building on Fairview drive with a dental office) things are booming.
In the last few months Champion Ford has purchased the old Montana Mikes/Paradise Cafe building for their Championship expansion.
A new doctors office is being built off Fairview next to the Family Eyecare Center. The exciting thing about that is the connecting road that links Kohl's parking lot with both those offices and Fairview Dr. That should relieve some of the congestion at Fairview and Hwy. 54 and the exits from both shopping centers.
Across Hwy. 54 Kentucky Farm Bureau just completed a beautiful new office in the Gateway Professional Plaza near Wal-Mart. That too added another access road. Paradise Plaza is also filling up with Gateway Medical Center, Verizon, Game Stop and other businesses.
Closer to town preparation work continues across the by-pass where Menard's will be. Other businesses will not doubt locate there. A sign posted on the highway says there are opportunities for Big Box Stores, Small Shops and Out lot locations. Any Takers?
Maloney's Roca Bar Pizza and Cheddars will soon have a new neighbor - Logans Road House will be opening Dec. 13 according to the onsite foreman. They were working on electrical stuff today when I visited.
Another construction job taking place just west of Atmos Energy is the new shop for Don Moore. There is plenty of property in the area for other businesses. A quick drive out 54 toward Tapp Motors reveals more dirt work and signs proclaiming housing, shops and businesses in the area. The cool thing is that most of the businesses are local or locally owned franchises. Tax paying citizens like you and me investing in Owensboro and Daviess County.
If you are not excited after reading this and viewing the photos of new and redesigned construction going on this summer, you better check for a pulse.