My all-time favorite show--comedy or drama or anything--went off the air in 1982. It was a ratings hit in the middle two of its four seasons. But CBS kept moving it around and then axed it in that spring.

But now WKRP in Cincinnati--a TV series that partly shaped me--has come home!

Into my hands!

Into my DVD player!

A long 33-year wait is over.

Now, to be clear, when the show ran in syndication, we recorded it on VHS. Yes, my whole family is a huge collective fan.

But over time, those tapes wore out and then the rights for the classic rock songs that were used on the show expired. And, before you know it, I couldn't find WKRP in Cincinnati anywhere. was announced that the rights for many of those songs had been re-established, and the entire series would be released...for something like $100.


So I waited until they began selling each season separately. See, my favorite seasons are the third and the fourth ones. It's when the show had really hit its creative stride.

And now I have it.

Time to binge-watch something old school.



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