Grandparents Day is Sunday SunDay SUNDAY
I love to attend events at school. The things that seemed lame when I was a kid are now fun and interesting as a grandparent. When Sandy mentioned a week or so ago that Hager Preschool was holding their "Grandparents Program" on Thursday September 8, I told her to put me down.
During the 8am hour of my morning radio show I got a gentle reminder in the form of a text message. The program at the school (which I forgot about since I failed to write it down) began at 9:15. I get off air at 9. Still I remained optomistic that I would make it.
At 9, headphones in hand I left the station parking lot headed for the school. I realized the shirts I was supposed to drop off at the cleaners were still in the van. Swan Cleaners was on the way so I made a quick stop arriving at the school at 9:14am, ONE MINUTE EARLY.
After signing in, (who would really want to take a 3-5yr old home if they didn't have to?) I was in the classroom with the other grandparents at the appointed time. Several grandparents looked a bit like some parents I knew when my kids were young. They just looked a lot older and grayer or balder.
The teachers must have the patients of Job. I counted about 15 (or was it 18? They moved around so much I couldnt get an accurate count) little angels. After a couple of seconds the kids were asked to join a sing along and surprisingly they did with no problem. The kids sang four songs ranging from ABC's to Colors to Hunting Bears. I was impressed. I couldn't get the staff at the radio station to sing that well or even remember the words.
Next was the decorating of photo albums made of popsicle sticks. They will hold photos of the kids and grandparents when they are sent home tomorrow. Chloe and I had fun coloring the sticks red, purple, yellow and pink.
Finally we put our hands in some kind of chemical tint to create a hand in hand picture that now holds a prized position on my office wall.
Jimmy Carter declared Grandparents Day a national holiday in 1978. I think Hager Pre-School perfected it in 2011. I am just glad they haven't figured out a way to tax a child's love because if they did, I would be broke.
While the official Grandparents Day is September 11 this year, many are choosing another day due to the 9-11 rememberances. That is a great idea.
Searching the internet there is a ton of info written about Grandparents Day. You can read about the history, what cities have celebrations and even order gifts but the real joy of grandparents day is just being one.
I have posted my favorite new song. It's the Grandparents Song