Okay, I admit it. I'm like a lot of other people and I DO like funny animal videos. They're great, cheap fun. I just can't believe we had animals on this earth THAT much earlier than YouTube.

The frequency with which animal videos are viewed, it's almost like someone said, "Hey we have this thing called YouTube now, we need to have animals. They're a match made in heaven."

And...well...they are.

And since it seems I tend to gravitate toward blogs about BEARS--the black bear spotted in Daviess County which later reappeared in Muhlenberg County; a bear that knows how to deal with pesky trash dumpsters and ones that don't; or a bear that likes to inspect the hotel lobby before it checks in--I'm very glad that my latest discovery features, yes, a bear.

A very sports-minded bear.

Not a Chicago Bear or a Baylor Bear or even a Memphis Grizzly. No, just a bear that wants to get in a little game of tetherball before moving on to his next assignment.

So, who's up? Who's turn is it to take on the bear? Who's got next?

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