"Bruh, I Lied." Thirty-four-year-old Jeremiah Ellis of Blue Island, Illinois pulled a fast one on the judge, attorneys, even several mental health experts...But the gig is up, Jeremiah. Fox32

So as this sick and twisted story goes, Jeremiah Ellis of Blue Island Illinois was facing many years behind bars for a string of robberies from back in 2014. He convinced the mental health experts that he was insane and had an intellectual disability. So Jeremiah could not be tried for the crimes. Jeremiah thought he was in the clear, no trial, no conviction...But wait, there's more!

Crazy businessman

Once Jeremiah returned to his holding cell and was around others, he started to speak out...About how he fooled everyone. Surveillance by federal prison authorities  has Jeremiah bragging and telling his tale about how much smarter he was than those that tried to convict him.

Crazy Lady
Crazy Lady

This dude must be one hell of an actor, to convince a team on mental health experts that he was insane and had a intellectual disability. That takes some work and the amazing ability to "stay in character" so to say.


The result? After his bragging was caught on surveillance camera, he was ordered to appear in front on a judge...finally. You are not insane, you are just fine, and you will spent the next almost 22 years behind bars. The judge ordered hit to serve 261 months behind bars for his "faking it."

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Say cheese, Illinois!

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