MentorKids KY is launching a new mentor recruitment campaign for 2019 called, LIVE685. Berly Tillman Sullivan the executive director and their program director Maria Shyver along with their newest team member Zack Lake in charge of marketing and recruitment share all about it on Shaped by Faith.

Psalm 68:5 calls us all to be a father to the fatherless. MentorKids is challenging our community and city to join them in living out Psalm 68:5. Please partner with them in praying for Christian mentors to join MentorKids Kentucky in providing hope for the youth they serve. Follow them on social media and join the mission of LIVE685. 2019 is on target to be a great year for the youth in our program and community!

How will you LIVE685?

Check out three specific exercises you can do in the New Year! Kettle Bell swings are one of my favorite exercises for cardiovascular, strength and core work. The squat is an instrumental exercise to strengthen our lower body and when we add weights to this exercise it benefits our upper body at the same time. I always recommend strengthening the core each day, the seated rotation is a simple exercise we can do just about anywhere and it doesn't require much time. Try each exercise and let me know if you have any questions? For more exercises check out my website

Happy Healthy New Year!


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