Matt Bevin Concedes Kentucky Gubernatorial Election
Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin has conceded his race for re-election after he requested a recanvass of the November 5th results which had Andy Beshear winning by less than 0.5. percentage points.
The recanvass took place Thursday across the Commonwealth with minimal changes in the vote totals. Bevin was the only Republican to lose in the general election. The state will retain Republicans in the offices of Attorney General-Daniel Cameron, Secretary of State-Michael Adams, Agriculture Commissioner-Incumbent Ryan Quarles, Auditor-Incumbent Mike Harmon, and Treasurer-Incumbent Allison Ball.
Bevin reiterated at a press conference Thursday that thousands of absentee ballots were improperly counted. He provided no proof of this or the "irregularities" claim he made on election night, however, he said the outcome would remain the same.
He wished Governor-Elect Andy Beshear well; Beshear will take office on December 10th. Andy's father Steve was Kentucky's last Democratic Governor and he served two terms.