MKK’S RUGGED RACE (Shaped by Faith)
Berly Tillman Sullivan the Executive Director of Mentor Kids KY, Zack Lake, Marketing and Recruitment & Kyle Aud, Senior Vice President of Independence Bank, talk about MKK'S Upcoming RUGGED RACE!
MentorKids KY is having the first of its kind, Rugged Race at Diamond Lake Resort on August 10th.
Enjoy a quick sneak peek of some upcoming promotional videos on the Rugged Race, presented by Independence Bank! The Rugged Race is scheduled for August 10th at Diamond Lake Resort.3.1 miles and 26 obstacles! Don't miss a chance to prove you're rugged enough! Be sure to register at mentorkidsky.org!
Race Info The 3.1-mile Rugged Race will be a chipped event and held on Saturday, August 10th beginning at 7:00 am, located on the beautiful grounds of Diamond Lake Resort.
The race is divided into two categories, the Elite Rugged and the Ultimate Rugged. The Elite Rugged category is for the serious, hard-core athletes ready to compete against the best!
Athletes are divided into the following age brackets, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70 and up. Medals will be awarded to the top three finishers in each age bracket and to the overall Rugged Elite male and female finishers.
The Ultimate Rugged category is for teams or individuals who just want to have fun, finish the course, and obtain bragging rights until next year's race.
Kids ages 12-14 must be accompanied by an adult. Medals will be awarded to the top three Ultimate Rugged males, females, and teams.
To register for the race, sign up to volunteer, or for information on sponsorship opportunities, go to http://www.mentorkidsky.org/
Everyone is encouraged to take advantage of the current pricing of $50 per person as registration will jump an additional $10 the week of the race.
Volunteers are Needed!
For more information on how you can partner with the amazing mission of MentorKids Kentucky, please contact the office at 270-926-6893 or visit the website at http://www.mentorkidsky.org/
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