Nostalgia can be fun, but there comes a time when common sense takes over. And that applies, in my opinion, to the old Wyndall's Supermarket that was once a fixture on Parrish Avenue--about a block west of the Owensboro Sportscenter.


I spent some time in that old grocery store; it was the ONLY place my grandfather "did his tradin'" as he would say. And it was my mom's preference, too, even though we didn't live anywhere near it growing up. So, yeah, there were always fond memories when I'd drive by it. But that got to be WAY too many flashbacks as, year after year, the building just sat empty, leaving Owensboroans to wonder if ANYTHING was ever going to go onto that property.

Well, now we have our answer.


Last fall, I saw that the lot had been dug up and asked someone at the site about what it was going to be. He told me it was to be a Dollar Tree but asked me not to "go by him."

I was unable to get a confirmation at the time, so I couldn't write about it. But now it's a near certainty that it IS a Dollar Tree because no other businesses have that trademark green stripe around their structures.

Of course, that now begs the question, "WHEN will it open?" Well, it's become sort of apparent, based on social media discussions and unofficial word from the other two stores that we're looking at a springtime opening for the new Parrish Avenue Dollar Tree.


Someone from the company doing the construction told me that they were just about finished. All that's left is laying the parking lot and then the Chesapeake, Virginia-based discount chain will take over with finishing touches like painting and the sign over the door.

So get ready. A new Dollar Tree, within walking distance of SO many Owensboroans--and I'm hearing that that makes Parrish Avenue as a location choice even MORE attractive--is getting very close to opening.

15 Iconic Retail Stores That Don't Exist Anymore (But We Totally Miss Shopping At)


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