O.Z. Tyler Distillery Premieres Duke Spirits Tasting Room
Country music trio Runaway June, coming off their first top five hit "Buy My Own Drinks," were--appropriately enough--on hand at O.Z. Tyler Distillery Wednesday afternoon for a very special presentation.
O.Z. Tyler is now the distiller of the Duke Spirits Brand--so-named because of legendary film icon John Wayne, who loved his bourbon and whose granddaughter, Jennifer, is a member of Runaway June.
In April of 2020, O.Z. Tyler Distillery will open the Duke Spirits Tasting Room and the John Wayne Experience in the Bottling House and Events Center, further enhancing its already enormous profile on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail.
Duke Spirits Brand Bourbon was created based on notes taken by John Wayne about the different bourbons and whiskeys he loved.
I think that is an amazing story.
And that's appropriate since I see nothing but amazing success for the brand's future.