Ohio Co. Varsity Softball Team Meet Shark Attack Victim [VIDEO]
Earlier in the week you heard the story about the brave young pitcher from Louisville who fought off a shark attack in Florida. The Ohio County Varsity Softball Team had the chance to meet Caitlyn Taylor and play against her in a softball tournament in Destin.
The Ohio County Varsity Softball Team had the chance to play against Atherton High School yesterday in a softball tournament in Florida. Caitlyn Taylor, from Louisville, was the pitcher for Atherton who got attacked by a shark earlier this week in Destin. She was just waist deep in the water when the shark attacked her. The shark tugged at her leg and attempted to pull her away from shore, but Caitlyn punched the shark in the nose and it freed her. In a show of amazing sportsmanship, the Lady Eagles presented Caitlyn with flowers, cards and balloons. Ohio County went on to win the game 4-3, but the memories made by meeting this brave teenager will last a lifetime.
Our good friend, Tabnie Dozier, reported the story about the shark attack with WHAS11 in Louisville. You can watch it here..