Owensboro Nursing Homes on Secret Federal List for Troubled Facilities
It has been reported two tri-state nursing homes have been cited for having violations that caused or could cause harm to the residents. One of these is located in Owensboro.
According to the following reports here are the findings:
Pro Publica lists 23 violations, at Twin Rivers, resulting over a two year period resulting in a fine more that $524,000.
The severity scale was a D to F, meaning no actual harm was found. However, "potential for more than minimal harm that doesn't pose immediate jeopardy" was indicated Deficiency is widespread.
Twin Rivers Nursing & Rehabilitation Center is located at 2420 West 3rd Street, in Owensboro.
14 news reports that in September of 2018 the facility had 15 citations and the national average is 7.9.
Reports say it could take years to recover from these findings even if every citation is fixed immediately.