Pet Site Claims Illinois One of the Worst Places to Be a Dog
I want to be clear this is not a statement made by me. I happen to think that Illinois people do a fine job taking care of their dogs. However, there's a major pet website that disagrees and claims the Land of Lincoln is one of the worst places to be a dog ever.
The website in question is Our Fit Pets (instead of our lazy and fat pets?). In their defense, they included a lot of science into how they came to their conclusions. So I don't misrepresent them, here's word-for-word what they said their methodology was:
Metrics that were considered included access to parks and nature, dog-friendly rentals, access to veterinarians, the number of dog sitters, and the state’s crime rates. Each state received a score based on how dog-friendly they were considered. These scores were then tallied to create a leader board.
With all their numbers crunched, it doesn't look good for dogs in Illinois as it's listed as the 47th best state for pets. Out of 50, even with my math I know that's pretty bad. Only New Jersey, Delaware and Louisiana scored lower.
What's the problem with Illinois and dogs?
Based on the Our Fit Pets numbers, it looks like Illinois gets dinged for dog sitting options. Curious. Veterinary score isn't high either, but I have no idea why.
Before you draw the conclusion that Illinois sucks at dog care, check out the full article and read the details of why they came to their conclusion. Woof.