Did you happen this "story" in your Facebook feed in the last week? After the winter we had last, it didn't seem that far-fetched. However, this winter forecast prediction story is fake. It's from the satirical and entertainment website Empire News.

Just to calm your fears a little more, here's the website's disclaimer. I had to tell at least one friend who lives in Todd Country, where I know they missed a lot of school due to icy weather earlier this year, that it was fake. She wasn't mad, but she did say she almost had a heart attack! But this fake story got me thinking, what does our real winter weather outlook look like? I clicked over to the 'Old Farmers Almanac' site, and here is what they have to say for the Midwest/Great Lakes region. It doesn't look to "shivery and shovelry" to me, but then, I'd say we had our fair share of colder than normal weather, oh and a lot more snow than the past few years.

The satire article says to buy stock up on lots of powdered milk so you won't get skunked when everybody else runs to the store at the very mention of flurries. Powdered milk? No thanks. Remember my stairs?!?

Luckily, the maintenance guys laid down a new coat of pain on my deck and my steps this spring; we'll see...

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