So Special, Stampede for the Thin Blue Line Honors Ricki Allen
The 4th Annual Stampede for the Thin Blue Line is set for Saturday and will celebrate the life & legacy of Muhlenberg County Sheriff, Ricki Allen. The Green River Mustangs Club invites all to ride in his honor.
Remembering Muhlenberg County Sheriff, Ricki Allen
Sheriff Ricki Allen, of Central City, passed away unexpectedly at the age of 52 years old on September 29th, 2020. The father of two left behind a grieving family and a community in mourning. At that time he was described as a wonderful family man, man of faith, dedicated servant, dear friend, hard worker, and an inspiration to many.

4th Annual Stampede for the Thin Blue Line
Starting June 12th, 2021 the 4th Annual Stampede for the Thin Blue Line will take place at Breman Elementary School from 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Not only will there be a Car, Truck, and Motorcycle Show & Crusie-In, but Food Trucks, Auctions, Vendors, and a Cornhole Tourney. Everyone is encouraged to come out and support the Allen family. Come share stories, fellowship, and raise money. All funds raised will go toward the Allen family.
Stampede for the Thin Blue Line Honors Sheriff Ricki Allen
In the Spring of 2018, Ricki was running for the Sheriff of Muhlenberg County. These were his very own words from April 18th, 2018.
"I have been blessed beyond what I have deserved over the years with a great family, friends and career. No matter where my career led me, my family was always a top priority. Most of the time in the state police, if you get promoted, you are reassigned due to no vacancies at your home post. I worked as a patrolman taking calls for a year at Madisonville PD, six years with KSP, and four years at Central City PD. When promoted to Sergeant in the KSP for three years I worked with the patrolmen on the streets and was a first-line supervisor. It was until I got promoted to Lieutenant, Captain and Major where I started making decisions during critical incidents, manpower allocations, budgets, scheduling, goals and objectives to deter crime and collisions. I learned a lot throughout my travels but never relocated my home. I may have to stay a day or two occasionally during my promotion in a specific area but I’ve always had my home in Muhlenberg County.", Ricki Allen
Tributes Poured In For Muhlenberg County Sheriff Ricki Allen
This is from a few years ago, but I'm sure many of you would like to hear his voice one more time. Our thoughts and prayers remain with the Allen family.